Monday, February 5, 2007

All you need to know about submitting your writing!

What sort of pieces should one submit?

There is virtually no genre or writing style that we would be unwilling to consider for the dramatic anthology, so the simple answer is: ANYTHING GOES. We'd love to recieve poems, short fiction stories, non-fiction, essays, monologues, even particularly well written letters or diary entries-- anything that could be told in the voice of ONE PERSON. We would also really like to see a wide variety of genres-- comedy, tear-jerkers, angry pieces, romance, the works. As a rule, if you're not sure a piece is appropriate, it probably could be, so go ahead and submit it to:

When should one submit by?

The deadline is February 26th. That's coming up soon! Don't forget!

How long should a piece be?

The word limit if 750 words. If your piece is, say, 770 words, don't worry about it. If pieces are too long, we can continue to edit them with you after they are selected.

What about Anonymity?

It is completely fine if you'd prefer to remain anonymous when your writing is performed. However, we'd really appreciate it if you would include your contact information with your submission for logistical purposes (if peices need to be slightly edited for length or clarity, etc). Just let us know that you'd like to remain anonymous and we'll keep your name off any playbill, etc.

What if I want to perform my own writing?

That's also fine; just make a note of it in your submission.

If you've got any questions we haven't answered here, post a comment or send us an email at

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